Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The start of a bizarre season indeed

The Chicago Tribune's Phil Rogers makes a few interesting points regarding the beginning of what should be quite an interesting season for the White Sox.

I know it's only one game, and I actually feel somewhat stupid for analyzing it at all, but if the pitching staff doesn't get it together this year, expect quite a bit of column inches devoted to questioning GM Kenny Williams and his direction.

And these won't be innocent hints, like in the Rogers piece. These will be more along the lines of "hit you over the head repeatedly until you won't want to work in this city anymore."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, Sun-Times' Chris De Luca allows Cubs manager Lou Piniella to all but excuse his team's horrendous game due to the circumstances stemming from the Tribune Co. announcement.

If I was ever allowed to run a baseball team, you can guarantee I wouldn't provide any excuses for my team of professionals. And if, God forbid, I ever get a press pass, you can be sure that I wouldn't let comments like that slide from a manger as high regarded as Piniella.